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( ‘/search?option1=allfields OR 9789264226753’)
  • 08 Jan 2015
  • OECD
  • Pages: 136

OECD's 2015 Economic Survey of Mexico examines recent economic developments, prospects and policies. Special chapters boosting growth and reducing informality as well as sharing the fruits of growth.


In 2013 the Mexican government embarked on a major reform agenda which, if fully implemented and pushed forward, will help Mexico break out from a recent history of economic stagnation and high levels of poverty and inequality that has hampered the quality of life of its citizens. Indeed, compared with other OECD countries, Mexico performs poorly in indicators that are essential to a good life, often resulting in traps that hinder growth and well-being. The government has introduced major structural reforms to fight poverty, improve the quality of education, create more jobs in the formal sector and move towards a universal social security system. This is a substantial accomplishment. However, Mexico needs to build a more inclusive state. This implies raising more tax revenue (without necessarily increasing tax rates) to expand social protection. It also means promoting an inclusive labour market to reduce informality and increase female labour market participation; inclusive schools to reduce educational gaps; inclusive health systems so that health care quality no longer depends on employment status; and inclusive cities to reduce geographical segregation.


This Survey is published on the responsibility of the Economic and Development Review Committee of the OECD, which is charged with the examination of the economic situation of member countries.The economic situation and policies of Mexico were reviewed by the Committee on 17 November 2014. The draft report was then revised in the light of the discussions and given final approval as the agreed report of the whole Committee on 17 December 2014.The Secretariat’s draft report was prepared for the Committee by Sean Dougherty, Eduardo Olaberría and Valery Dugain, under the supervision of Patrick Lenain. Editorial support was provided by Brigitte Beyeler and Nadia Kameleddine. The Survey also benefitted from contributions by Sean Ennis, Octavio Escobar, Natalia Fernández-Vázquez, Ian Forde, Hildegun Nordås, Marissa Plouin and Diana Toledo Figueroa.The previous Survey of Mexico was issued in May 2013.


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